What is a kitchen set?

You have long dreamed of becoming a full-fledged homeowner. And now the longed-for apartment was bought, things were packed, the repair was done, it remains to supplement the interior with furniture. And if you can live without a double bed or a living room at first, then you definitely cannot do without a kitchen.

If you invite a professional designer to design this part of the apartment - he will tell you what you need, or ask the right questions - which cabinets are needed, how many doors or shelves, which way should they open? Or maybe you have already thought everything through and compiled a list of the necessary, selected materials and the manufacturer from whom you will order furniture. Even in this case, it will be useful to know certain nuances.

IMPORTANT! It is worth paying attention to the assembly format. In order to simplify the process, home assembly is often used in working with cabinet furniture - when serial cabinet furniture is completed with parts (separately - sidewalls, separately - facades, etc.), and the final assembly of the master is carried out directly at the installation site. More expensive premium wooden Italian and German furniture is assembled at the manufacturing factory and imported into Russia by finished blocks. The advantages of the first are low cost with complete impracticality: despite the apparent constructiveness, it is impossible to reassemble and assemble such a puzzle from a cheap chipboard. The second method is more cumbersome, but such a kitchen can be transported, and body elements are resistant to moisture and thermal effects.

Kitchen sets are divided into 2 main types - island and modular. If the island ones - standing in the middle of the room, represent a single structure, then the size of the second ones can be adjusted by selecting individual modules - ready-made units of construction according to the catalog, the number of which the user can choose at his own discretion.

What is included in the kitchen? Its main parts are:

  • The "upper" line is the hanging cabinets, which consist of buildings and facades.
  • Base, or "bottom" line - furniture for the installation of equipment, storage and cooking.

Minimum standard

The simplest requirements for the fullness of a kitchen set are the presence and balance of the elements of the upper and lower lines. The number of hanging cabinets, the materials from which they will be made, depend on the load, the number of storage units, and operating conditions. For example, for the built-in drying for dishes, you need a cabinet, the case of which will be made not of a simple laminated chipboard, as is usually done, but of MDF - the last type of plate will not delaminate under the influence of moisture. The facade is structurally more complex part, and there are much more variations of its execution. The cheaper ones are made from a plate - particleboard, MDF, veneer, and those that are more expensive - from a furniture panel, metal or glass. Appearance is also of some importance - typesetted, paneled and curved facades are more expensive in production, therefore their cost is much higher.

NOTE! Structurally, the upper line is lighter. In such cabinets you can store light utensils, bulk products and groceries. If there is a need to visually expand the space and not burden the room with a low massive ceiling and a heavy upper line - it is advisable to choose cabinets with glass facades, or replace the closed line with open shelves.

The bottom line often contains most of the built-in appliances - hobs, dishwashers or sinks, refrigerators and ovens. Here are the bottom modular cabinets and countertops. The work surface is one of the main accents of the headset, what is striking first. It should be conveniently designed - located at the right height and sufficient stability. Of great importance is the material - the most common postforming and laminated particleboard, in terms of durability, can not compete with stone or natural wood, although the latter, without a doubt, belong to more expensive materials.

What else can be optional

If desired, the kitchen can also be supplemented with tall cabinets-columns for storage. If the kitchen does not completely occupy the wall space allotted to it, open corners can be closed with ends - circular or radial shelves of open or closed type. This is a solution from the field of aesthetics, as well as in order to protect households from collision with sharp corners. For the convenience of storing kitchen trifles, cabinets can be understaffed with drawers, baskets and cargo. This moment needs to be considered at the time of ordering the headset, and not at the assembly stage, since inside the cabinets they may not have time to provide for the corresponding holes and the necessary accessories for fastening.

The smoothness and noiselessness of opening drawers and doors provide high-quality fittings - closers, balancers, transformation systems. As a rule, the products of leading Italian and German brands can last for many years, providing absolute ergonomics and reliable use of the headset. When ordering kitchens and accessories - materials of the frame, facades, countertops, and accessories can be chosen independently.

The basic rule of forming your own kitchen set is the balance of its main parts, convenience and functionality. Factors that may affect the filling of the kitchen:

  • Dimensions of the room in which it is located;
  • the nature of the supply of communications and the ability to freely change it;
  • conditions in which certain elements of the kitchen set will be operated;
  • owner budget;
  • selected materials and their design features;
  • built-in appliances with which the kitchen will be filled;
  • functional.

Watch the video: American Girl Doll Gourmet Kitchen Set NEW (June 2024).

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