Connection of thermostat to the boiler

The most common source of heat in a modern private house (if you do not take into account adherents of traditions and romance who prefer a Russian stove or fireplace) is a heating boiler. Most modern boilers are powered by electricity or use gas fuel; solid fuel and other models are less popular.

Connection of thermostat to the boiler

A conventional heating boiler, relatively speaking, as standard, operates in manual mode. The heater has a temperature controller that remains unchanged until switching. The device itself does not react to temperature changes in the room. If in the daytime, being in the house, it does not seem a big problem to approach and turn the regulator is not difficult, then a sharp night cooling, as well as a drop in temperature during the absence of the owner, can be an unpleasant surprise.

The temperature regulator helps to avoid such troubles. This is a device that is able to automatically monitor the room temperature and maintain it at a given level. The simplest solution is to purchase a thermostat complete with a boiler. Manufacturers often offer such kits, their advantage is the absence of difficulties with the connection. But what to do when a new thermostat was decided to connect to an existing boiler?

How to connect the thermostat to the boiler

It is necessary to determine the type of device. It can be mechanical or electronic - as a rule, for gas and electric boilers, respectively.

Wiring diagram

  1. A mechanical temperature controller does not require a power supply - the principle of its operation is based on connecting and opening electrical circuits. The switching moment determines the selected temperature value. The process is controlled by the movement of the membrane, which responds to heat. The connection diagram in general will look like this:

Important! So that the installation of the device does not become an exciting puzzle in a slowly cooling room, you should find instructions for connecting a specific model of the thermostat - in the instructions for it, on the back of the lid or on thematic resources.

  1. The electronic temperature controller is more accurate - a sensor monitors temperature changes, the accuracy of which is much higher than that of mechanical devices. Moreover, even in low-cost models there is an expanded set of functions, for example, the binding of a certain temperature regime to the time of day. Due to the fact that the device is connected to a common network, a two-wire cable is used. The approximate scheme is as follows:

Important! The correct technical passport of the heating boiler usually contains all the necessary information about connecting additional equipment, in the form of step-by-step instructions and visual diagrams. Familiarization can greatly facilitate the task.

Setting the thermostat after connecting

After successful connection, it remains only to configure the device. On advanced models, the programmer is located, with the help of which the configuration occurs. Can be regulated:

  • heating and cooling (conditioning) temperature;
  • the delay in the response of the sensor to changes in temperature (useful for ventilation and frequent drafts);
  • device sensitivity;
  • installation of two or more temperature conditions.

The ability to fine-tune the values ​​of the optimal and economical temperature conditions is far from the last value. A device that automatically switches to the economy mode (lowering the temperature to a predetermined possible threshold) saves energy - in large quantities. Some models have a large difference in power consumption, even with a minimum difference in values.

Connecting a thermostat with a thermostat

Many models of modern temperature controllers are a set of control unit and thermostat. Thermostat - a device for remote control of the heater, is located in any convenient place. The temperature selection is transmitted to the control unit connected directly to the boiler. With the connection of a simple thermostat, there should be no questions; What you need to know about installing a room thermostat?

The first step is not to choose the device itself, but the place to install it. It should be located:

  • at a sufficient height from the floor - about one and a half meters. The point here is not in convenience, but in physics - the sensors of a low-lying thermostat will capture the heat of the heated floor and set the low temperature;
  • away from possible sources of heat, be it sunlight, heaters or stoves. The logic is the same;
  • on the inner wall of the room, where there is enough open space - and again not for reasons of comfortable control of the device. For correct operation, the device must have access to the air flow - circulation makes it possible to assess the temperature change and adjust the operation of the boiler. The thermostat, covered with a curtain for reasons of aesthetics, does not bring the expected result.

The method of connecting the thermostat to the unit can be wired and wireless. The former are distinguished by their affordable price and the absence of signal problems; wireless are more expensive, but eliminate the need to lay another cable.

Important! You should carefully weigh the decision to purchase a wired device. Connecting a new wire on top of the repairs made can make you change your mind at the most inopportune moment.

The advantage of the device with a thermostat is its advanced functionality. Installation of modern models for labor costs is quite comparable to a conventional temperature controller, but in the end it gives more advantages:

  • customizable temperature conditions;
  • intuitive interface with date and time;
  • minimum number of boiler starts;
  • the most delicate calibration of the sensors;
  • high reliability.

The main thing is that the thermostat eliminates the need to regulate the operation of the boiler manually, allows you to configure the device remotely and significantly reduces the amount indicated in the bills for paying for electricity.

The right approach to choosing a thermostat will completely forget about the problem of heating a house.

Watch the video: Combi Boiler Thermostat Wiring (April 2024).

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