How to sit at the table

A sedentary lifestyle and its consequences are one of the important problems of our time. And this applies to both adults and children. Adults spend most of their time in offices, children in school and at home doing their homework, and all of them together at computers. Sitting alone does a lot of harm, and if you don’t follow the rules of landing at the table, the health consequences can be very negative. Violation of posture, diseases of the spine result in a disruption of the internal organs and a negative effect on the body as a whole.

How to sit at the table when writing

If you are forced to maintain a sitting position for a long time, you must follow certain landing rules. This applies to the setting of posture, as well as the location of the arms and legs.

reference: people with spinal problems often suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis, gastritis. They may have constipation and bloating. Headache and visual impairment are constant companions of improper landing.


Sitting at the table, one cannot lean excessively forward or backward. The back should always be straight. When bending forward, the weight of the upper body increases, and this creates an additional load on the lower back. If the body leans back, they experience increased muscle tension in the neck. Deviation of the spine from a vertical position also leads to improper hand position.

The back of a person sitting at the table should always be flat, it should touch the back of the chair, as if leaning on it. Ideally, if the chair has a special ledge - the so-called support for the lower back - and a headrest. And one more important rule: there should be a distance between the chest and the table. You should not sit close to the table, much less lean on it.

The setting of the hands. The basic rule is that your elbows should lie completely on the table. This reduces tension on the hands and prevents pain in the wrist.

How the legs should be arranged. When setting the legs, the principle of a right angle should be observed: the angle between the body and hips, as well as between the hips and knees, should be approximately 90 degrees. Feet should be fully touching the floor. The tibia should be vertical and the thigh horizontal to the floor. It’s better not to cross your legs and do not squeeze them under you, as this leads to impaired blood circulation.

Writing furniture criteria for a proper fit

It is very difficult to take a comfortable position at the table if the chair and table are not selected correctly. Proper, comfortable furniture can remove most of the load from the spine.

Table and Chair Height

Proper fit can only be provided by an adjustable table and chair. This means that the height of the furniture must be adjusted in accordance with the growth of a person. This is especially important for children, whose growth can change quite quickly. The height of the chair must be adjusted so that the seat is exactly below the knees. The depth of the seat should be such that the hips do not touch its front edge. The back of the chair should be close to the back and act as its support.

To determine the height of the table, you can use the following rule: the elbow of the lowered hand of a person sitting at the table should be 5-6 centimeters below the tabletop.

Table leaning

Adjusting the angle of the countertop is important so that the notebook or book is at the correct distance from the eyes. It is unacceptable to approach the countertop while tilting your back. This situation inevitably leads to stoop and back pain. When reading, the angle of inclination should be approximately 30 degrees, while writing - 15. During drawing, the angle of inclination of the table can be zero or equal to 5 degrees.

Important: proper seating promotes good blood circulation, which in turn reduces fatigue and increases performance. If you have to sit for a long time, movement breaks must be done every half hour.

How to sit at the table while eating

Table etiquette almost completely complies with the rules of a comfortable, from the point of view of health, landing. When eating, you need to sit up straight without tilting your back over the plate. You can lean a little on the back of the chair. It is necessary to bring a spoon or fork to your mouth, and not reach your mouth to cutlery. It will also be the prevention of scoliosis and congestion in the neck. Arms bent at the elbows should be kept close to the body. Do not sit on the whole seat, you need to take only a small part of it.

How to develop the habit of sitting at the table correctly

If you are already used to sitting at the table incorrectly, it will be difficult to correct the situation. At first, it may seem that the back in the correct position, on the contrary, begins to hurt. This is due to the fact that in your brain information has already been fixed on what position the body should be in a sitting position, and it perceives this information as correct. Retraining should take place gradually.

  • First you need to find and fix for a couple of minutes the correct fit at the table.
  • The basis of everything is the correct position of the pelvis on the chair. You need to take a comfortable position, evenly distributing the weight on the sciatic tubercles.
  • The back should be straight, legs - at right angles.
  • Your body position should be comfortable for you. You need to try to remember him and stay in this position for a short time.

To help the body get used to the correct position, it is advisable to use a chair with support for the back. There are also special rollers and pads on the chair, the purpose of which is to provide good support for the lower back and relieve the spine.

Watch the video: Table Manners 101: Basic Dining Etiquette (April 2024).

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